JOIN US  –  If you want to sing with us, then visit our first and/or second rehearsal to discover what we’re all about. Even though these dates may have already passed for our upcoming show, don’t let that stop you from visiting us anyway.

And if you want to join us as a non-singing member, there are a variety of roles we need help with, from marketing to setting up for events to greeting our audience and helping seat them. You can join as a non-singing member anytime during the season.

Rehearsals start at 5:30 most every Sunday during each show cycle (Aug-Dec and Jan -Jun). We rehearse at Pilgrim/Covenant Community United Churches of Christ, 2817 6th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233.

Currently membership in Steel City Men’s Chorus is open to anyone, 18 and older. Singing members should be able to sing a traditional male vocal part (tenor-baritone-bass). Non-singing membership is open to those who do not wish to perform on stage but desire to support SCMC through active voting membership.

We’d LOVE to have you as part of the SCMC family!

Questions? Send us an email at