donations and other expenses

There’s a link below that takes you to our PayPal donation page in order to pay for non-show expenses, like t-shirts and other promotional items or membership in our Stars of Steel program.



Want to pay for non-show expenses, such as t-shirts and other promotional items we might have?

Click on the image below to be linked to our PayPay donation page and make your donation for miscellaneous items there.

Click on the image above to proceed to the PayPal Donate page

You can use this link to pay for such items as T-shirts and other promotional items, your membership in Stars of Steel or other non-show related expenses. For show tickets and song sponsorships, please use the appropriate store items when they become available.

Just enter the amount where the $0 appears. If you wish to cover our processing fees, click the box and if you wish to pay in installments, such as for Stars of Steel, click there, too.

THANK YOU for supporting Steel City Men’s Chorus!


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